Monday 20 June 2011

lgu ''somebody'' ad makne bg aq..

aq ske gler group nieh.. ^^,
ohh hey reders.. ^^,

ohhhey2.. thanks hai ..sbb sudi tgk entry sy pd mlm inie..hahahah entry aq nieh nieh aq rse x de lha bgos sgt.. tpi aq ske sgt ngn group ats nieh.. koerg phm x knpe aq plih lgu nieh?? ohh actualy,dye berkait rapat dgn kte sume.. sbenye '' sombody '' nieh cite psl kwn.. ohh tringt plak kt kwn2 aq.. si myra azhar dgn si gita..hahahha.. ye lha sbb group nieh sbnarnye x pnh knl pon antre 1 sme laen.. but someday,dorg jumpe time amek kls music.. soo dorg pon test nyanyi then sorg dry mreka nk tboh kn kumplan nieh.. dgn nme LEMONADE MOUTH HAHAH.. sbnrye nme group nieh dorg amek dkat jename air minuman lemonade mouth.. both of dieorg sume ske minum air 2.. so ad sorg nieh pon cdang lha.. then yg laen pon trime.. sore dorg memg best..ahhah ske2... ske2.. ehh lbih2 plak mok nieh -,-''
.... pewh lg lyn lha pix & lyric d bwh..hahah


Can you see me?
Cause I'm right here
Can you listen?
Cause I've been trying to make you notice
What it would mean to me
To feel like somebody
We've been on our way to nowhere
Tryin so hard to get there

And I say
We're gonna let it show!
We're gonna just let go of everything
Holding back our dreams
And try
To make it come alive
C'mon let it shine so they can see
We were meant to be
Somebody (Somebody)
Somebody, yeah (Somebody)

I'm so tired
Of being invisible
But I feel it, yeah
Like a fire below the surface
Trying to set me free
Burnin inside of me
Cause were standing on the edge now
It's a long way down

But I say
We're gonna let it show!
We're gonna just let go of everything
Holding back our dreams
And try
To make it come alive
C'mon let it shine so they can see
We were meant to be
Somebody (Somebody)
Somebody, yeah (Somebody)

We will walk out of this darkness
Feel the spotlight glowing like a yellow sun
Ohohohohoh (Ohohohohoh)
And when we fall we fall together
Till we get back up and we will rise as one

We're gonna let it show!
We're gonna just let go of everything
Holding back our dreams
And try
To make it come alive
C'mon let it shine so they can see
We were meant to be
Somebody (Somebody)
Somebody, yeah (Somebody)
Ooo Oh 

ohh nie pemain gita.. yeahhh

hurmmm nieh aq x brape nk thu...ap yg dye main..

hah.. nieh lha dye penyanyi grop nieh n skli gus dye yg nyanyi lgu somebdy nieh..

pemain drum..ahaha

niehh pemain gita electrc..yeahhhh =P
nieh lha dye group 2..hott..hahahhahah ^^,

enjoys k... ^^,

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