Wednesday 4 May 2011

SoMeTmE lUrVe cAn MaKe OuR HaPpY... d^____~b

                                                               aku skewh ayt nieh   <3

----->I don't believe in fate, but somehow I believe that we are meant to be..
It's the way I feel when I hear your voice..
It's the pain I feel when you're not by my side..
It's what I feel when I look into your eyes..
It's the words that we share..
----->No, I don't believe in fate, but I believe in you and me ! -

I have liked many But loved very few,
Yet no one has been As catchy as you.
I would stand and waiting world's longest queu
Just for the one Pleasure Of Moment With You :⊱▬▬⋙ love...

    hurmmm... hye... ok2... now lets we talk about love ok?? hahah actualy, aq nie x pandai lah sgt an about2 cnte nieh...
 bud... sometime we need someone too make me hppy or evan mke me cry right?? hurmm bud..benctewh pun bloeh nendtgkn
byk sgt2 mslh.. ad yg positif and ad jgk yg ngetif.. bud ingre jewh yg ngetif.. we tke positif k??

    cinta?? ad yg butewh ad yg x .. hahaha... klo reti jge hti psangn antre stu sme laen inshaallah...shampai kewh akhir hyat cnte 2 kekel.. tpi klo dok gdoh 24 ours x pyh bcinte lha kak jah ooiittt...!!! haha tpi ad jgk psangan yg bcnte bud slalu gak gdo 
n guess wht?? dorg dh khwin dh unn... congrts.. <3 soo...nk bcnte nieh jgn lha selfish t korg gak yg skit..kn2?? btw,
korg kne ati2 jgk ad sgelintr nieh couple sbb nk puas kn !nafsu syaitan! sooo u all kne lha hatie2 plih psgn uuhhh... jgn bg dorg amek kesemptn ats dry korg.. hahaha

  ehhhh membebel jewh aq nieh kn?? dh mcm mak jogah dh... soo tpulng lha tok korg nk dgr kewh x ??
    jgn nyesal klo nsi dh jdi bubur.. yea??? appppeeeewwhhh??? x ske aq nye post?? huhh... lantk lha bkn nenek koe nye     laptop ann??? haha <3 joke <3 kau adewh?? x dewh senyap... ==,V

disediakn loeh,

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